I led her down the unkempt grass slope of the green pasture to walk along by the canal, where the oily black water stared up from the cut like the eyes of a slaughtered horse. The distant thrumming of traffic and the occasional drone […]
Tag: Film Photography
Romance and Ruin
High up on a hillside, behind the broken walls of a ruined castle, we watch the glowering clouds catch fire as the sun falls blazing from the sky, a burning death she is doomed to endure for all eternity, like a fiery Sisyphus. The […]
The summer comes to a close, light begins to leave earlier, the warm days gradually cool and the night becomes our friend. In the garden of the Goddess ancient trees prepare for sleep and change their gowns from green to gold, before they slumber […]
The seventh of the seven. Some people will understand this, some will not. It may be cryptic or it may not. You may think about the image and the message and make the connection, or you may not. It is not important if it […]
The beautiful summer
A warm summer afternoon, miles from home, alone;A girl sits on a swing, lost in reverie.The long ropes creak as she disects the air in a lazy arc,Like the pendulum of a mighty metronome,Slowing down time beneath the stately oak tree.Out here, the Earth […]
A Summer Evening
Sitting in a beautiful English garden on a warm summer evening in July. The honey-coloured stone of the ruins of the old house are bathed in warm evening light and glow like gold. Behind the wall, in another part of the garden, a saxophone […]
Eurydice in the half-light
The last light is fading away,The last birds sing before the dark.We are here in a beautiful garden,Somewhere between today and tomorrow, The path is a maze of twists and turns, The scent of lavender floats in the warm air,Intoxicating every breath we take,The […]
The Road To Ruin
Nothing lasts but not all is lost,We leave our presence in space and time,We are a memory of an echo, we are shadows, we are dust,Pulvis et Umbra Sumus, as Horace told us once.When all is done and endless sleep is all we have […]
What The Darkness Saw
The evening fades to twilight, light begins to close its eyes, colours becoming drowsy, soft and muted until only blue remains. Birds and insects fall silent; there is only the silver sigh of quivering Poplar leaves aroused by the breath of the zephyr. Behind […]
Light! Light!
We are inside, looking out. We are in darkness, we want the light. In the distance, a glimmer; the door of perception is open, walk – don’t run. Cold steel and primate genes to keep the lights on, we invent, we survive. Keep busy, […]
Castles In The Air
On a deserted beach, who can hear you sing? The waves roll in, the clouds float by, not even a bird to be seen in the sky... Peace. Quiet. Harmony. The sound of solitude, just the whispering breeze and the sea, Be calm. Sing […]
One Song
Look into the silver air, beyond us all – one song. Listen to the distant sky, silent music for the eyes. Here – on earth – the air is a nebula of vibrations, an infinite orchestra, one symphony of sonance. We swim in a […]
“Hell is empty and all the Devils are here”
The War of the Words is upon us. William Shakespeare – the most brilliant playwright and poet of the English language. His plays are performed and studied in schools all over the world, his language is magnificent, his plays immortal. But hark! What sulphurous […]
You and I
Under the dark of a sky full of rain we walk into the mystic, you and I. There is nothing above and nothing below, there is only the here, where we are. You and I. Watching the light disappear, watching the lonely souls walking, […]
Waiting For Gordon
A perpetual tragi-comedy in one act Vladimir and Estragon are hanging around, having a chat… Vlad-“If only my Mother could see me now” Est – “Why?” V-“Because the road to hell is paved with good intentions” E-“That’s deep” V-“Not really, it’s just because you’re […]
Deus Pecuniam Phallae
The ancient City of Londinium, founded before the Romans ever sailed up the Thames. The walled settlement became The City of London and developed into the most economically powerful city on earth, powered by trade and exploration. The old City was so powerful that […]
Writing on water is futile Water is stone that no one can carve, save the flaming force of fire, the spirit and the light. A stone dropped into water paints a shadow of a shadow. Writing on water is futile.
After Knowledge, Before Judgement
Before judgement, before new light, on the last day came darkness. It rained before the sun switched on the sky, etching clouds of rags and feathers across the skin of infinity. We stopped and wondered about the meaning of it all. It might have […]
Cosmic Blues
Listen. Can you hear it? That’s the sound of music. Ludwig van Beethoven. Nine symphonies, each one a profound and magnificent statement of one man’s belief in mankind and nature. Oh, Freude! Oh, Ode to Joy! But wait…just a whisper, just a Judas kiss: […]
Oh to be a fluffy cloud drifting ‘cross the sky, meandering in the blue above this dark and troubled land. Moving slowly with the breeze, no particular place to go, drifting, shifting, water vapour condensing in the air, if I was just a fluffy […]