Remember a day

Remember a day... A day before today, a time before this time - the endless summer to which we said goodbye and slowly closed the door. The afternoons were warm when we walked in fields of perfumed air, among the wild flowers. The drone […]

The blue space

Looking out at the sea between blue and me, the distance becomes infinite space. The ship sets sail, the distance calls, I watch you gradually vanish into that vast beyond, on the way to another space - somewhere to the north they say, where […]

Beyond The Clouds

Softness, A sky full of clouds, Above the beach, above the sea, Whispering... The sea on the shore, Kissing the sand, Whispering... Breeze in your hair, Distant birds float on the wind, Softness... Rain starts falling, Sighing down to earth, Filling the footsteps we […]

All the birds

In the misty light of a November afternoon the planet spins slowly towards another day, leaving the sun's light behind. Colours vanish into the ethereal blue of twilight, there is nothing in sight except the birds flocking home to roost. The darkling thrush, the […]

The English Landscape

The sky above the Essex earth, light of passing moments that illuminates the fertile land. The light, the light, the glorious clouds that sail across the sea of sky, The sky that shimmered through Constable's hand and Gainsborough's flashing brush. We are a nation […]

Romance and Ruin

High up on a hillside, behind the broken walls of a ruined castle, we watch the glowering clouds catch fire as the sun falls blazing from the sky, a burning death she is doomed to endure for all eternity, like a fiery Sisyphus. The […]

The beautiful summer

A warm summer afternoon, miles from home, alone;A girl sits on a swing, lost in reverie.The long ropes creak as she disects the air in a lazy arc,Like the pendulum of a mighty metronome,Slowing down time beneath the stately oak tree.Out here, the Earth […]