A small coastal town; a place where nobody goes in winter, a place where nothing happens when the sun doesn’t shine. A place that ships always leave behind, on the way to somewhere else beyond the far horizon. A dilapidated café at the end […]
Category: Art
Out of Season
The Heart and The River
London, the night, the river... All passing in their own time. The great city - by day a vast tumult of activity, By night the dark city; shadows and light; romance and mystery. The river ebbs and flows beneath bridges, passing the old and […]
Midnight, and the sound of the sea. Midnight...the sound of the sea, the sigh of the breeze. Watching the dark distance, looking out across the shimmering skin of the ocean towards the edge of the world; no ships, no stars, just the moon behind […]
Remember a day
Remember a day... ...before today, a time before this time - the endless summer to which we said goodbye and slowly closed the door. The afternoons were warm when we walked in fields of perfumed air, among the wild flowers. The drone of buzzing […]
Old Light, New Light.
The old year passes with the setting of the sun, the new year comes with the rising of the moon. We all turn together as the Earth spins around our star, half in darkness, half in light, for some the day, for some the […]
The blue space
Looking out at the sea between blue and me, the distance becomes infinite space. The ship sets sail, the distance calls, I watch you gradually vanish into that vast beyond, on the way to another space - somewhere to the north they say, where […]
Beyond The Clouds
Softness, A sky full of clouds, Above the beach, above the sea, Whispering... The sea on the shore, Kissing the sand, Whispering... Breeze in your hair, Distant birds float on the wind, Softness... Rain starts falling, Sighing down to earth, Filling the footsteps we […]
Once Again
Once again I walk in silent rooms and gloomy galleries. Dark portraits gaze from gilded frames at tragic ghosts who walk through walls in fruitless quest to escape this place of shuttered light and time forever stilled. Where memory waits to be recalled by […]
The Dream-Life of Late Summer
The dream-life of an imaginary afternoon, in an imaginary garden. Silent statues gaze at nobody, nobody returns their gaze. We commune with twittering birds, a consort of insects buzz and click a glittering gavotte in the quiet garden, Senses beguiled by the aroma of […]
A Song For Us
The song is all, we sing together, voices soar, spiralling ever-upwards into the cerulian infinite, across the universe. The song goes on forever. I felt your hand - it was a memory, a moment when the electrons re-assembled those fragments of something, splinters of […]
Dream Girl Blues
Breath of life, the light sighs, we dream. She shines, Translucent, ephemeral, Appearing only to disappear into light, Into thin air. We sleep. Today is now, time is present, Memory waits... Moments, minutes, infinite ever, Always. We remember, we forget, we dance in the […]
Breathe slowly, excite the silence, our still air shivers, aroused by tongues. Softly swollen Velvet lips, Open slowly, fold on fold, Cleave the juicy, sticky split, Slide inside the slippery skin. Oh, Luscious depths in Luskus Delph, Amour aroma, perfumed pink. Taste Desire's smoke, […]
We are the true believers, we are the chosen ones, We want your pretty children, your daughters and your sons, Bring them to our party, let them drink our wine, Tomorrow we will take them to work our deepest mine. We are the source, […]
The Razor’s Edge
On the road to somewhere from the road that leads to nowhere, You find the hidden bridge that takes you to the razor's edge. You take one step, you take another, you walk a different walk, In the field of lost time's distance the […]
This is the foundation of western civilisation, this is the foundation of all western art, music and literature. This is the sign that created western culture from which grew knowledge, science, philosophy, education and power. This is the symbol upon which democracy laid its […]
All the birds
In the misty light of a November afternoon the planet spins slowly towards another day, leaving the sun's light behind. Colours vanish into the ethereal blue of twilight, there is nothing in sight except the birds flocking home to roost. The darkling thrush, the […]
The Global Christmas Carol
Now is the winter and everyone is discontent, made worse by the global elite who hoard trillions of money, like so many Ebeneezers. It will do them no good in the end because they can't eat it. They can, of course, burn it to […]
A song for you
Drifting in a small boat on a silent lake, the rain began to fall and the herons flew away as the wind blew the rain into in my face and scratched at the dark surface of the water in the faint greenish light of […]
A song for me
I heard a voice coming from an open window, a voice I thought I knew, a song I had heard so long ago. I had forgotten the song but I remembered looking into the sun. Time passes, we forget. Memory waits… From an open […]
The English Landscape
The sky above the Essex earth, light of passing moments that illuminates the fertile land. The light, the light, the glorious clouds that sail across the sea of sky, The sky that shimmered through Constable's hand and Gainsborough's flashing brush. We are a nation […]