
Midnight, and the sound of the sea. Midnight...the sound of the sea, the sigh of the breeze. Watching the dark distance, looking out across the shimmering skin of the ocean towards the edge of the world; no ships, no stars, just the moon behind […]

Once Again

Once again I walk in silent rooms and gloomy galleries. Dark portraits gaze from gilded frames at tragic ghosts who walk through walls in fruitless quest to escape this place of shuttered light and time forever stilled. Where memory waits to be recalled by […]

How to find yourself in the dark

Lockdown, hibernation, false dawns, abandoned plans and lost time. The dark despair of the endless nothing; and yet the glimmer of a tiny light far, far away in the dark distant future will always be visible regardless of how much the black void tries […]

The Garden

Walking in a garden that once was beautiful, where the heady aroma of rare exotic plants filled the air and the dazzling palette of their flamboyant pigments filled the eye. We are not lost, we are visitors, guests among the garden ghosts of a […]

Eurydice in the half-light

The last light is fading away,The last birds sing before the dark.We are here in a beautiful garden,Somewhere between today and tomorrow, The path is a maze of twists and turns, The scent of lavender floats in the warm air,Intoxicating every breath we take,The […]