London, the night, the river... All passing in their own time. The great city - by day a vast tumult of activity, By night the dark city; shadows and light; romance and mystery. The river ebbs and flows beneath bridges, passing the old and […]
Tag: London
How to find yourself in the dark
Lockdown, hibernation, false dawns, abandoned plans and lost time. The dark despair of the endless nothing; and yet the glimmer of a tiny light far, far away in the dark distant future will always be visible regardless of how much the black void tries […]
“Hell is empty and all the Devils are here”
The War of the Words is upon us. William Shakespeare – the most brilliant playwright and poet of the English language. His plays are performed and studied in schools all over the world, his language is magnificent, his plays immortal. But hark! What sulphurous […]
Deus Pecuniam Phallae
The ancient City of Londinium, founded before the Romans ever sailed up the Thames. The walled settlement became The City of London and developed into the most economically powerful city on earth, powered by trade and exploration. The old City was so powerful that […]
Writing on water is futile Water is stone that no one can carve, save the flaming force of fire, the spirit and the light. A stone dropped into water paints a shadow of a shadow. Writing on water is futile.
Do not go gentle into that good night.Rage, rage against the dying of the light. I am retribution. I like the dark, I dance in the night, I listen to Chopin and read Byron, Poe and Dante by candle light. Sometimes I laugh out […]
All the world’s a stage
All the world’s a stage,And all the men and women merely players; Who is writing your play and who is directing you? Write your own script and perform it on your own stage, don’t just repeat the lines you’ve been fed by people who […]
A Winter’s Tale
In the quiet squares and gardens of London in winter, the sky is etched by the delicate lacework tracery of plane trees. Here, Georgian terraces stand in stuccoed ranks, pillared porticoes and panelled windows, facades of a more elegant epoch. St Saviour’s waits for […]
Dark Wings
Above the streets of London the dark wings come home to roost. The freedom to fly is not ours, we are earthbound and heavy, so many eyes cast down in despair. Look up, look up, look above you, watch the sky and look out […]