London, the night, the river... All passing in their own time. The great city - by day a vast tumult of activity, By night the dark city; shadows and light; romance and mystery. The river ebbs and flows beneath bridges, passing the old and […]
Tag: Night
How to find yourself in the dark
Lockdown, hibernation, false dawns, abandoned plans and lost time. The dark despair of the endless nothing; and yet the glimmer of a tiny light far, far away in the dark distant future will always be visible regardless of how much the black void tries […]
Eurydice in the half-light
The last light is fading away,The last birds sing before the dark.We are here in a beautiful garden,Somewhere between today and tomorrow, The path is a maze of twists and turns, The scent of lavender floats in the warm air,Intoxicating every breath we take,The […]
What The Darkness Saw
The evening fades to twilight, light begins to close its eyes, colours becoming drowsy, soft and muted until only blue remains. Birds and insects fall silent; there is only the silver sigh of quivering Poplar leaves aroused by the breath of the zephyr. Behind […]
Do not go gentle into that good night.Rage, rage against the dying of the light. I am retribution. I like the dark, I dance in the night, I listen to Chopin and read Byron, Poe and Dante by candle light. Sometimes I laugh out […]